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At Studio Dhoom, we are committed to providing a safe environment for your dancer. Our studios are an outlet for children, a place for them to have a sense of normalcy, a social outlet, and to continue to explore their love of dance. We have made operational changes, taken precautionary measures, and adjusted policies to facilitate the safest possible facility for our dancers.

Please review these procedures, as well as our safety video, with your dancer prior to entering the studio for the first time. If you think the child may be sick or getting sick or if there is a family member in the household who is sick, please stay home and take the class Virtually for the safety and well-being of everyone.

Covid-19 Safety-Procedures

Studio Dhoom COVID Safety Procedures

Studio Dhoom COVID Safety Procedures

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Our lobby and building is closed to parents and guests at this time. Dancers should wait in vehicles until welcomed by a staff member. Dancers should wait on socially distanced marks on the sidewalk until invited at the door to enter the building. 

Consult your class schedule for your dancer's studio assignment.  

  • Classes in Studio A will enter at the front door.  

  • Classes in Studio B will enter at the back door.

  • Dancers will be released to their parents at the conclusion of class at the same door.


All dancers must arrive wearing a mask and in comfortable dance attire.  Bathrooms are for restroom use only, not for changing. To prevent outside dirt and germs from coming into the dance rooms, we are requiring all students to bring separate dedicated dance shoes with them. Dance shoes can be any comfortable sneakers that you keep dedicated for dance studio use. Dancers should wear their street shoes from their car and carry only their dance shoes and a water bottle into the building. They will change into their dance shoes in a socially distant waiting area before entering the studio room. Please do not allow your dancer to wear dance shoes outside.


Every dancer and staff member will have their temperature taken using a contactless thermometer upon arrival. Any dancer or staff member with a temperature over 99.6 degrees will not be permitted to attend.


Masks must be worn at all times in the studio. Masks are required while dancing in a physical distance dance box (marked using colorful tape). 

Teachers are required to wear masks at all times and will wear clear transparent masks to allow students to see them talk for effective communication.


Class sizes are limited to enable physical distancing. We will follow all CDC and state and local guidelines for occupancy. 


Dancers should maintain proper physical distance while entering and exiting the building. Using colorful tapes, boxes have been marked off in each studio to allow for social distancing while dancing. ​


Dancers and staff will sanitize their hands when entering the building. Touchless sanitizer stations will be available across the studio. Restrooms are monitored to ensure they are occupied by only one person at a time. All high touch surfaces in restrooms are sanitized after each use.


High touch surfaces within each studio are sanitized between each class (classes are staggered to have 10-15 minutes between classes to allow time for cleaning). We use EPA approved cleaning supplies. Our entire studio will also be thoroughly cleaned on a nightly basis. After thorough cleaning, ultraviolet sanitizers are run in each studio nightly. Additionally, studio is deep cleaned and sanitized by professional cleaners twice a week. Each studio will have individual Winix air circulation units with HEPA filters (the same ones used in many public schools).


Dancers should bring their own labeled water bottle to the studio. The water fountain is closed for drinking but can be used for refilling the bottles. No snacks will be allowed inside the studio. Any water bottles left at the end of the night will be thrown away so be careful to not leave anything behind when you leave.


We use a class communication app to share video recordings, announcements and parent-teacher communication. Parents can contact us anytime via the app or email or phone. Because parents are not allowed inside the studio, please use any of the above means to communicate. As always, we will be proactive in sharing any class announcements with you. And we are accessible via any of the above means of communication.


We cannot wait to see everyone again and we are looking forward to safely continuing to dance with you!

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